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Isher Artifacts
Ordering Information

We accept the following credit or debit cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa; as well as checks, money orders or cashiers checks in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank. All orders must be prepaid. Shipping in the continental U.S. is included in the price.

If you don't feel comfortable sending your credit card information over the internet, you may telephone us at 269-342-4967. We're in the Eastern Time Zone, and it's easiest to reach us evenings between 7:00 and 10:00pm, or weekends between 9:00am and 10:00pm.

Or you may send an email message with your telephone number and we will call you. Email address is

empress    AT     isherartifacts     DOT   com

As our production is extremely limited, our stock is also quite limited. If there is something specific you'd like, let us know. We can advise you as to when an item might be scheduled. We typically try to sell our toys at the World Science Fiction Convention, held in different locales around the world, annually in late summer. In other words, we're more likely to have stock on hand in late summer!

Thank you for your interests; we love to hear from fans and customers, feel free to contact us.

Tullio & Amy Proni
Kalamazoo, Michigan

©2005–2006 Isher Artifacts. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 8/28/06. AP.