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[Atto di Matrimonio]
Marriage certificate of Felice Zampieri and Mercede Tedeschi, 24
November 1923. They were both 37 years old at the time, just about to
turn 38. They were born just one day apart from each other in the same
city, in 1885.
The document also notes their parents: Antonio Zampieri and Catterina
Fröhlich; and Moise Tedeschi and Ermina Levi. It indicates that Felice
was working as an imp. [impiagata] bancario, which means bank
clerk, and Mercede worked as a privata, or privately employed,
perhaps in a home. Witnesses to the marriage were Amadeo Tedeschi, also
a bank clerk, and Bruno Mailer, a violinist (for the groom); Dottore
Leone Fels and Car. (?) Antonio Canova (for the bride).
The religions of each are also noted: rom. catt. (Roman
Catholic) for Felice; israelitica (Jewish) for Mercede.

updated 2005-11-30. AP.