Service System form 110 (front)

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Selective Service System forms and classifications.
Both Tullio and
Lucio registered for the draft in the United States. Each
received high lottery numbers, so were not selected for military
service. Following graduation from Nova High School in 1966, Tullio
attended college in Miami, then moved to Kalamazoo,
Michigan for graduate studies in Psychology. Lucio attended college in
Gainesville, Florida, before starting JL Audio, Inc., on the back porch
of the family home. Lucio's only brush with military service came
during a visit to Italy in 1983, when the Monfalcone police department
learned that he was staying in a local hotel. They arrested him in the
middle of the night, and said that he was on a list of Italian
draft-dodgers. (Italy requires all male citizens to perform military or
civic service.) Maria Z. Proni spent several hours convincing the
that Lucio had become an American citizen nearly 30 years before, and
should therefore not be subject to forced conscription.