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Copper samples found in the Keweenaw
The following pictures are of samples collected either at
the New Caledonia Mine or at the Wicker Sands. Most of the
samples have been washed and a few have had a little wire-
brushing but on the whole, this is what they look like right
out of the mine/tailing pile.

This 4.5 lb mass actually came from near Phoenix but it was the
largest piece I had found before my visit to the mine in July, 2000.

Wicker Sands pieces. Very common but mostly small nuggets or sheet.

Though some can get larger.
This sample is mostly rock but has a long copper vein.

But the ones from the mine were bigger. This is solid copper.

...and more numerous.

And this was the real prize. Close to 10 pounds!
I hammered this piece out of bedrock with hammer and chisel.

I only saw the tip when I started hammering and it took
about 45 minutes to free it.
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