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Down Owl Creek Spring 2002

The adventurers set out. It was decided to follow Owl Creek to the Sands before the mapping project; - this took a little longer than planned...

Owl Creek as it exits from under the road.

A section typical of the stretch between the road and the dam. There were LOTS of trees in the stream here.

The dam viewed from above...

...and from downstream. There is little water behind the dam since rocks have filled up the space behind the logs.

After the dam the stream widens. This shot is from where the logging road crosses the stream. We now enter Guyland.

Then the creek narrows.

REAL narrow.

The going gets tougher but most of the party still follow the stream bed.

Everyone takes pictures: many pictures.

The Creek becomes very interesting. Notice the tilted strata of sandstone.

In addition to the fallen trees and high water, the slippery moss made the going tough.

At some spots the creekbed widened and there were impressive waterfalls.

There were many places where fallen logs made tempting bridges...

Other places would have made great water park rides - if you didn't mind the cold water and sharp branches. Some party members almost took the ride anyway.

Almost like the Grand Canyon, only smaller, and with moss and trees. Maybe if we kneel down and squint at it...

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