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Thumbnails for Critter Crunch

Tension builds as the bots are weighed in.

Then the battle begins. Greg's bot is virtually identical to last year's.

The battle is joined. The problem with this flipper was too much weight toward the front of the bot.

Though the flipper was nasty and had good ramps on the side Greg was finally able to push it off the board.

This bot had saw blades as wheels. It was fast and had good traction.

It went against this "better mousetrap." The flipper was a real mousetrap with brass ramps attached.

When the two met the trap went off but the mouse proved to be too heavy to flip.

There were a number of tracked bots this time. While they had power, traction and were almost impossible to push around, in the end they lost out to Greg's superior driving skills.

The other bots did get their revenge on Greg when they ganged up and pushed him out.

Then it is Get Tough's turn. Pre-battle plans are laid.

Get Tough plows into Drywall with his ramp.

While Drywall gets in a few licks he is quickly pushed off the table.

Quick repairs are made to Drywall. Notice the bent "L" brackets.

This is how they got bent. Drywall was spinning at twice the speed he had at CapriCon and really chewed into the newly added protective aluminum "L" channel - as well as the rest of Get Tough.

But Get Tough got his licks in too though neither bot got through the other's armor.

After defeating Drywall a few of the 2 pounders were suicidal enough to take on Get Tough. The pieces flew a good long way...

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