Berserker 2004 - Saturday
Any good day during the Berserker starts out with a visit to the Jampot. This little establishment is run by a group of Orthodox monks whose products are... well sinful, and possibly fatal to those with high cholesterol. The monks are almost (we hope only almost) within bowling ball range of the Sands. |
After our daily muffin it is back to the Sands where the cannon once again opens fire. There is a good wind however - notice how far the smoke cloud has drifted. |
Then it's on to rocketry. Some were typical model rockets with parachutes. They were meant to be recovered, though the wind and swamp sometimes had other ideas. |
Other rockets had pyrotechnic payloads. The "problem" here was that the rockets tended to be too powerful (or the payload too small). |
The family that blasts together (Linda and Jeff)... A variety of water damaged furniture and Star Wars characters were properly disposed of that day. |
Marinna launches her rocket boat again. Since the engines were a bit old ignition was a real trial. Once they did were ignited, though, the vessel's path was rather circular. |
Shortly after ignition the rocket boat is pointing back toward its launchers. |
But it continues to turn and ends up right next to the cameraman. The next one came even closer. |
But compared to the rocket gliders.... |
The hydro-generator was moved closer to the tents so that more people could watch it working and it would be easier to pack that evening. Moving it up to tent level cost something like 15' of head which dropped the voltage to 8.5 VDC. Here it is providing power to two LEDs. |
Meanwhile others were generating heat, if not power, using an array of AOL disks. This frame mounted array worked much better than sticking the disks in the sand (last year's technique). |
Dale's thermite volcano is filled. The 1100 pounds of thermite were actually placed in the cone of a "volcano" constructed with the aid of a bulldozer. |