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Berserker 2004 - Saturday Evening

As the sun sets the bowling begins. The 16-pound ball is clearly visible on its way to 1700' (a new Berserker record).

But there is more to sky bowling than distance. Here a little "tracer" compound gives the ball a nice tail.

Guy demonstrates the right way to pour LOX on a fire (last year Sam showed us the wrong way).

The thermite volcano springs to life. Actually this is about 5 minutes after ignition but still in its "growing" phase. Note, however, that "lava" is already flowing down the sides.

The volcano is burning bright and splattering iron all over the place. Everyone is standing WAY back at this point.

Still splattering but the smoke is beginning to die down. Note the change in color toward redder hues as the iron lava cools.

The eruption dies down to the point where people can actually stand at the base of the volcano. While the "lava" flows are still glowing they aren't flowing any longer.

Looking up at the towering peak as the river of fire approaches. OK, maybe it's towering only 6-7 feet but it was still impressive as hell.

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