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Berserker 2004 - Friday

Todd and Dermot play Myth Busters or rather Myth Blasters. Here they are adding a little brake fluid to a small amount of pool chemical. What could possibly happen?

Yup. Another "Myth" confirmed. Actually the almost 20 second delay was something of a surprise. Remember kids and techies don't try this at home - that's what the Sands are for.

Here a classic "Dermot Delta" takes off.

It spite of years of testing the flight characteristics are rather...err... random.

The recovery team seems to be getting younger. You might wonder what happened to last years' team.

Coke and thermite. A hot drink among GTers.

To quote the Wicked Witch, "I'm melting." To quote Tullio, "Another 10 cents shot!"

The golf ball cannon fires an opening shot.

Kevin looks at John Ridley's 15" homebuilt telescope. Behind him (on the ground) is the vortex gun.

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